How To Create New Statuses For Artworks

Published 06 February 2024 in Art Inventory Management

At Artfundi, we've always offered a preset list of statuses for your artworks. Now, we're excited to announce that you can take customization to the next level with our platform by adding your own personalized artwork statuses! 

This newfound flexibility empowers you to tailor statuses according to your unique requirements, simplifying operations and enhancing efficiency. 

With the ability to customize statuses, you can seamlessly filter artworks for various tasks such as generating price lists and catalogues, ensuring a smoother workflow tailored to your preferences.

To get started, simply follow the simple steps provided below:

1: In the Left Sidebar, click on ‘Works’. Once it expands, click on ‘Add & View Works’.

2: In the top right corner, click on the ‘New Work’ button. 

3: You will now have the option to enter information about the artwork, including creating a custom status for it. 

4: Scroll down to the ‘Status’ section and click on ‘Add New’ to enter any status as required.

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